Foreign Employment Loan Scheme Maximum loan amount is Rs 2 lakh
Submitted By Stellar Computer Center Kodakara on 17 February, 2025; 10:26:45 am
The State Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Development Corporation has invited applications from
eligible candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes for consideration under the Foreign Employment Scheme
implemented in association with the Scheduled Castes Development Department.
Applications are invited for the Foreign Employment Loan Scheme. Maximum
loan amount is Rs.2 lakh
- The State Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Development Corporation
has invited applications from eligible candidates belonging to Scheduled
Castes for consideration under the Foreign Employment Scheme implemented in
association with the Scheduled Castes Development Department.
- Applicants should be educated unemployed persons belonging to Scheduled
Castes and having received offer letter of employment from a recognized
employer in any foreign country.
Upper Age Limit
- Applicants should be educated unemployed persons belonging to Scheduled
Castes and having received offer letter of employment from any recognized
employer in any foreign country.
Selection Process
- Annual family income should not exceed Rs.3,50,000.
- The maximum loan amount of the scheme is Rs.2 lakh.
- Out of which, up to one lakh rupees will be given as subsidy to the
eligible persons from the amount allotted by the Scheduled Caste and
Scheduled Caste Development Department
Instructions for Candidates
- Applicants sponsored by NORCA ROOTS and ODEPEC will be given priority in
the scheme.
- Only applicants who are not more than 50 years of age and have an annual
family income of Rs.2.5 lakh are eligible for the subsidy.
- The interest rate of the loan is 6% and the repayment period is 3 years.
How to Apply
- Interested applicants should contact respective district offices of the
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Development Corporation for
application form and information
Get more related details candidates are advised to visit the respective
district offices of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Development
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eligible candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes for consideration under the Foreign Employment Scheme
implemented in association with the Scheduled Castes Development Department., Youtube News Channel - Foreign Employment Loan Scheme Maximum loan amount is Rs 2 lakh, how to apply, exam results, interview schedule and details, job news youtube channel