Nurse Recruitment 2025
Submitted By Stellar Computer Center Kodakara on 16 January, 2025; 04:37:25 am
The Kerala PSC is expected to announce the recruitment for Nurse positions in 2025. This video provides essential information about the expected key dates, application process, eligibility criteria, and other important updates for aspiring nurses in Kerala.
Job in Indian Systems of Medicine - Salary up to Rs 63,000 per month |
Vacancies in Kerala
- ഇന്ത്യൻ സിസ്റ്റംസ് ഓഫ് മെഡിസിൻ Nurse Gr II (Ayurveda) തസ്തികയിലേക്ക്
നിയമനം നടത്തുന്നതിനു വേണ്ടി കേരള പബ്ലിക് സർവീസ് കമ്മീഷൻ വഴി യോഗ്യരായ
ഉദ്യോഗാർത്ഥികളിൽ നിന്നും അപേക്ഷ ക്ഷണിച്ചു.
- Nurse Recruitment 2025: Don't Miss This Opportunity! (Kerala PSC)
explains in Malayalam.
- Kerala PSC Nurse Recruitment 2025: Key Dates, Important Updates
and All You Need to Know
- The Kerala PSC is expected to announce the recruitment for Nurse
positions in 2025.
- This video provides essential information about the expected key dates,
application process, eligibility criteria, and other important updates for
aspiring nurses in Kerala.
job news,exam news,exam time table,government job news,sarkari jobs,exam results,school and college exams, job news on youtube, Government jobs and exams - The Kerala PSC is expected to announce the recruitment for Nurse positions in 2025. This video provides essential information about the expected key dates, application process, eligibility criteria, and other important updates for aspiring nurses in Kerala., Youtube News Channel - Nurse Recruitment 2025, how to apply, exam results, interview schedule and details, job news youtube channel