RRB NTPC Exam Date News 2025 Live
Submitted By Stellar Computer Center Kodakara on 10 February, 2025; 11:05:45 am
The Railway Recruitment Board has not released the RRB NTPC Exam Dates yet. The Non-Technical Popular
Category (NTPC) undergraduate and graduate-level recruitment exam dates, when announced, will be
available on RRB regional websites. The city intimation slip release date and admit card release date
details will be available along with the exam dates.
RRB NTPC Exam Date News 2025 Live: Where to check exam dates when announced
- The Railway Recruitment Board has not released the RRB NTPC Exam Dates
- The Non-Technical Popular Category (NTPC) undergraduate and
graduate-level recruitment exam dates, when announced, will be available on
RRB regional websites.
- The city intimation slip release date and admit card release date
details will be available along with the exam dates.
Schedule of Events:
- The registration process for graduate-level posts started on September
14 and concluded on October 13, 2024.
- For undergraduate-level posts, the application process commenced on
September 21 and concluded on October 20, 2024.
- Tentative admit card release date will be mentioned in the schedule
- In the NTPC exam schedule, RRBs will also mention the tentative dates
for admit cards and exam city intimation slips.
Vacancy Details
- The RRB, through the recruitment is for filling the vacancies of 11558
posts, 8,113 of which are graduate-level and 3,445 of which are
- Commercial cum Ticket Clerk: 2,022 vacancies
- Accounts Clerk cum Typist: 361 vacancies
- Junior Clerk cum Typist: 990 vacancies
- Trains Clerk: 72 vacancies.
Upper Age Limit
Selection Process
- The selection process for NTPC includes computer-based tests (CBTs),
followed by computer-based typing skill tests/computer-based aptitude tests,
wherever applicable.
Instructions for Candidates
- The link for viewing the Exam City & Date and downloading of Travel
Authority for SC/ST candidates will be made live 10 days prior to the exam
date on the official websites of all RRBs.
- The admit card for the same will be available on the website 4 days
prior to the exam date mentioned in the exam city and date intimation link.
- Candidates will be aadhaar-linked biometrically authenticated in the
exam center prior to entry into the exam hall.
- Candidates are required to bring their original Aadhaar card or printout
of e-verified Aadhaar.
- Candidates are advised to authenticate their identification through
Aadhaar verification, if not done already, by logging in with their
credentials at
https://www.rrbapply.gov.in/ to facilitate smooth entry into the
examination center.
RRB RPF Mock Test: Procedure to take Mock Test
- Visit the official website of RRB at
- Locate and click on the highlighted link "RPF Mock Test for CBT"
- Enter the login details and click on submit.
- Read the instructions and take the mock test
How to Download the Admit Card
- Visit the official website of RRB at
- Click sign in button
- Enter the login details and click on submit.
- Your admit card will be displayed on the screen
- Check the admit card and download the page.
- Candidates are required to take a printout of the Admit card
Key Details on Your Admit Card
- Exam date and time
- Exam center location and address
- Reporting time and important instructions
- Candidate photograph and signature
What to Bring to the Exam Center
- RRB NTPC Admit Card (mandatory)
- Valid photo ID proof (passport, PAN card, voter ID)
- Pen and pencil for the exam
- Water bottle (optional)
Instruction for the Candidates to the Exam Center
- Arrive at the exam center early to avoid any last-minute rush.
- Carefully read all instructions on the admit card.
- Avoid bringing prohibited items to the exam center.
- Stay calm and focus on the exam.
Exam Pattern
- The online CBT Exam will consist of 120-marks.
- The duration is 90 minutes and the exam consist of three Sections:
English Language, Numerical Ability, and Reasoning Ability.
- Wrong answers will result in negative marks.
- One-third of the mark assigned for each question will be deducted for
each wrong answer.
- The minimum pass percentage for eligibility of UR, EWS, OBC-NCL is 35%
and SC, ST category candidates is 30%. The marks scored in CBT shall be
counted for shortlisting of candidates for further stages of this
recruitment process.
Get more related details
candidates are advised to visit the official website
job news,exam news,exam time table,government job news,sarkari jobs,exam results,school and college exams, job news on youtube, Government jobs and exams - The Railway Recruitment Board has not released the RRB NTPC Exam Dates yet. The Non-Technical Popular
Category (NTPC) undergraduate and graduate-level recruitment exam dates, when announced, will be
available on RRB regional websites. The city intimation slip release date and admit card release date
details will be available along with the exam dates., Youtube News Channel - RRB NTPC Exam Date News 2025 Live, how to apply, exam results, interview schedule and details, job news youtube channel