Supreme Court Assistant Recruitment 2025
Submitted By Stellar Computer Center Kodakara on 15 February, 2025; 12:42:00 pm
A detailed guide on how to apply for the Supreme Court Assistant Recruitment 2025 is presented. This
video covers the application process, eligibility criteria, and important deadlines, ensuring that
viewers are well-prepared to submit their applications successfully.
Supreme Court Assistant Recruitment 2025: Salary, Eligibility, & Application
Process. Apply Now!
- Supreme Court of India has invited applications for the post of Junior
Court Assistant.
- Eligible candidates can apply online through the official website of
Supreme Court of India at
- This recruitment is for filling the vacancies of 241 Junior Court
Assistant in the court.
Schedule of Events:
- Opening Date for On-Line Application: February 05, 2025
- Last Date to Submit the Application: March 08, 2025 by 5 PM
- Tentative Date of On-line Examination: Will be announced on official
website of Supreme Court of India at
Vacancy Details (224 Vacancies
- Junior Court Assistant : 241 Vacancy
Upper Age Limit
- The educational qualification to apply for this post is a Bachelor's
degree from a recognised University.
- The candidate must also have a minimum speed of 35 w.p.m. in English
Typing on a Computer and Knowledge of Computer operation.
Selection Process
- The selection process includes a written test.
- The written test will consist of an objective, descriptive, and typing
- The objective type paper will last 2 hours, the typing test 10 minutes,
and the descriptive type paper 2 hours.
- Candidates who qualify in the OMR Written Test and OMR Computer
Knowledge Test will only be called for Typing Speed Test on Computer and
Descriptive Test.
- Those who have qualify the tests will be called to appear for an
Instructions for Candidates
- Read the instructions carefully before proceeding further.
- Before start of filling-up of application through on-line mode, the
candidate should keep ready, the following details/documents:
- Valid Email ID & Mobile Number-For proper communication it is suggested
to provide personal E-mail ID & Mobile No.
- Scanned copy of the recent passport size color photograph (not older
than 3 Months)
- Candidates should ensure that the same photograph is used throughout
this recruitment process
- Scanned signature for uploading in the application.
- Category once filled by candidate in the on-line application form will
not be changed.
- Candidates on their own interest are advised to apply and submit
application promptly and not to wait till the last date/time for applying
- Supreme Court of India shall not be responsible if candidates are not
able to submit their applications on account of last-minute rush.
- Please retain print out of application form & payment acknowledgement
slip for future references.
- Please do not send hard copy of the application form or any documents to
the office, Supreme Court of India
Application Fee
- Candidates will be required to pay non-refundable Application fee of Rs.
1000/- for General/OBC candidates and Rs. 250/- for
SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen/Differently Abled/Freedom Fighter candidates plus bank
charges through online mode only.
- Fee shall not be accepted in any other form.
- No postal application shall be accepted.
- The fee shall be paid online through payment gateway provided by UCO
- For more related details candidates can check the official website of
Supreme Court of India.
How to Apply
- Visit the official website of Airports Authority of India
- Download the notification and read the instruction carefully.
- Candidates should have a valid personal e-mail ID & Mobile No. and must
ensure that it is active during the entire recruitment process.
- Application sequence number, User ID, Password and all other important
communication will be sent on the same registered e-mail ID (please ensure
that email sent to this mail box is not redirected to your junk/spam folder)
& mobile no.
- Candidates should take utmost care in furnishing/providing the correct
details while filling-up the on-line application.
- You can edit the information before submission of application. Once the
Form is submitted, it cannot be edited.
- Application once submitted cannot be edited/withdrawn and fee once paid
will neither be refunded nor adjusted.
- Step-I (Sign-Up) The candidate should fill up all the desired
information i.e. Post Applied, Candidate Name, Email id, Mobile number, etc.
- Sign-up by filling-up Post Applied, Category, Candidate Name,
Mobile Number and E-Mail ID.
- After clicking SUBMIT button/ tab, the candidates will receive
Application Sequence No (User ID) & Password on their registered E-mail ID
during Signing. Now, candidate has to Click "Log Out" tab (given on top
right corner) and re-log in for Step-II.
- On completion of Step-I, Sign- Up mail will be received in candidate's
registered Email ID/mobile number confirming his singed-up along with the
User ID (Application Sequence No.) and password.
- Step-II (Filling-up of Application). After signed-up, candidate has to
Re-login and click on "Go to Application Form" icon at top right corner,
select his/her category and other mandatory details and complete Personal
Details, Qualification Details, Upload photo/signature and submission of Fee
(wherein applicable) through Online mode via Debit card, Credit card or
Internet Banking/UPI etc. through PayU.
- CLICK PREVIEW Button to view the details entered. Please ensure that all
aspects of the application and photo/sign/other relevant documents are
correct before submitting. Please note that you cannot Edit/Modify your
application once you click SUBMIT Button.
- The Vacancy details, age limit, selection process, eligibility criteria,
online registration process, payment of application fee, Important dates to
remember, process & pattern of examination/interview and more related details
candidates are advised to visit the official website
of Airports Authority of India
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video covers the application process, eligibility criteria, and important deadlines, ensuring that
viewers are well-prepared to submit their applications successfully., Youtube News Channel - Supreme Court Assistant Recruitment 2025, how to apply, exam results, interview schedule and details, job news youtube channel