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Ktet category 2 psychology questions answers 2013 september

Submitted By Nimi Sunil on 23 April 2017

1. The book which contains particular events about a child which is kept in school is called :
(A) Anecdotal record.
(B) Cumulative record.
(C) Logbook
(D) Clinical record.
Ans. Anecdotal record.
2. Choose the correct expansion of ADHD.
(A) Attention Difficulty and Height Deficiency.
(B) Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorders.
(C) Attention Deficit and Heart Dysfunction
(D)) Attention Deficit Hormonal Disorders.
Ans. Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorders.
3. In which model a teacher has to travel to different schools to teach the children with disability?
(A) Dual teaching model.
(B) Resource model
(C) Itinerant teaching model.
(D) Inclusive model.
Ans. Itinerant teaching model.
4. The year in which Persons with Disability Act ( PWD Act) was introduced
(A) 1995
(B) 1999
(C) 2009
(D) 2011
Ans. 1995
5. Rema is a 10 year old girl. Her Mental Age is 6. In which category does she belong?
(A) Gifted
(B) Above average
(C) Average
(D) Below average
Ans. Below average
6. Which of the following is not characteristics of Learning Disabled?
(A) Academic backwardness.
(B) Low level of intelligence
(C) Difficulties with language
(D) Difficulties with numbers
Ans. Low level of intelligence
7.A boy who is performing poorly in Mathematics test frequently attributes his failure to the teacher who teaches the subject. This is an example for :
(A) Sublimation
(B) Reaction formation
(C) Projection
(D) Regression
Ans. Projection
8. Which of the following processes are involved in observational learning according to Albert Bandura
(A) Attention, Retention, Performance, Motivation.
(B) Attention, Interest, Action, Retention.
(C) Interest, Attention, Perception, Performance
(D) Attention, Retention, Perception, Motivation
Ans. Attention, Retention, Performance, Motivation.
9. According to Sheldon mainly 'Ectomorphic' people are :
(A) Introverted.
(B) Extroverted
(C) Lazy.
(D) Risk Loving.
Ans. Introverted.
10. Achievement motive in a child can be developed by :
(A) Proper guidance and high expectations from the child.
(B) Telling the stories of great men to the child.
(C) Setting a realistic goal for the child.
(D) All of these
Ans. All of these
11. A teacher tries to reach a complex idea with the help of some pleasant stimulus and after repeated use of the situation the students began to like the subject. Which of the fo1lowing learning theory is underlying in this method.
(A) Classical conditioning.
(B) Operant conditioning.
(C) Insight learning.
(D) Trial and error learning.
Ans. Classical conditioning
12. When conditioned stimulus is used to create another it is called:
(A) Spontaneous recovery
(B) Extinction.
(C) Shaping.
(D) Higher order conditioning
Ans. Higher order conditioning
13. Abraham Maslow was basically a:
(A) Pragmatist.
(B) Constructivist.
(C) Humanist
(D) Behaviorist.
Ans. Humanist
14. The first Philosopher who integrated Psychology with Education :
(A) Aristotle
(B) Pestalozzi
(C) John Locke
(D) Wilhelm Wundt
Ans. Pestalozzi
15. Which of the following is an objective method of studying human behavior?
(A) Interview
(B) Introspection
(C) Inventory
(D) Dream analysis
Ans. Inventory
16. Choose the correct method for fostering creativity among children.
(A) Enrichment Programme
(B) Acceleration
(C) Programmed instruction
(D) Synectics Model
Ans. Synectics Model
17. Select the correct statement regarding growth
(A) Growth depend upon maturation and learning
(B) Growth refers to changes in the organism as a whole
(C) Growth doesn't depend upon maturation and learning
(D) Growth is a continuous process from womb to tomb
Ans. Growth doesn't depend upon maturation and learning
18. Which period is known as the " toy age"?
(A) Early childhood
(B) Later childhood
(C) Infancy
(D) Babyhood
Ans. Early childhood
19. The term proximodistal means
A) Top to bottom
(B) Head to foot
(C) Far to near
(D) Near to far
Ans. Near to far
20. According to katherine Bridges, at 18 months, jealousy develops in a child from :
(A) Distress and delight.
(B) Distress and affection.
(C) Joy and delight.
(D) Distress and excitement.
Ans. Distress and affection.
21. According to Piaget, the child develops the ability of reversibility at the stage of :
(A) Pre-operational.
(B) Intuitive.
(C) Concrete operational.
(D) Sensory-motor.
Ans. Concrete operational.
22. A pause before pronouncing a word is a speech difficulty which is known as :
(A) Lisping
(B) Baby talk.
(C) Stammering.
(D) Slurring.
Ans. Stammering.
23. According to Noam Chomsky the rudimentary form of language is being:
(A) Stored in brain
(B) Found in Society
(C) Transformed through Education
(D) Developed by Interaction
Ans. Stored in brain
24. Who postulated the idea that language teachers can play a vital role in society for transforrning culture and construction of knowledge
(A) Noam Chornsky
(B) Bandura
(C) Bruner
(D Vygotsky
Ans. Vygotsky
25. Which statement best suits the concept of Continuous Evaluation (CE)?
(A) A process at the end of learning
(B) A process at the end of a course
(C) A process that evaluates only the products
(D) A process to be carried out along with learning
Ans. A process to be carried out along with learning
26. In a learning curve, the convex curve of learning indicates
(A) Positively accelerated curve
(B) Negatively accelerated curve
(C) Bell shaped curve
(D) S- shaped curve
Ans. Negatively accelerated curve
27. The memory related to knowing how to do something can be classified as :
(A) Declarative memory.
(B) Semantic memory.
(C) Procedural memory,
(D) Episodic memory.
Ans. Episodic memory.
28. The Psycho-social challenge faced during middle school years according to Erikson is :
(A) Trust Vs mis-trust
(B) Autonomy Vs shame
(C) Intimacy Vs isolation
(D) Industry Vs inferiority
Ans. Industry Vs inferiority
29. The summary judgment about your worth as a person is called :
(A) Self-esteem
(B) Self-concept
(C) Self-actualization
(D) Selfishness
Ans. Self-concept
30. 'Good boy - Nice girl orientation' is one of the stages of moral development. The idea was put forward by :
(A) Erickson.
(B) Skinner.
(C) Piaget.
(D) Kohlberg.
Ans. Kohlberg



Ktet Question Paper, Ktet Psychology questions, KTET Previous Year Question Papers with Answers,Ktet category 2 psychology questions answers 2013 september,Ktet category 2 psychology questions answers 2013 september,Kerala TET (KTET) Exams, Ktet category 2 psychology questions answers 2013 september-Kerala TET (KTET) Exams

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