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Grammar Translation Method

Submitted By Nimi Sunil on 25 April 2017

The Grammar translation method which is also known as classical method. It was first used in the teaching of Latin and Greek. It facilitates learning in English as a second language. The student's native language is the medium of instruction.
Characteristic of Grammar translation method
1. Classes are taught in mother tongue, with little active use of the target language.
2. Teachers teach vocabulary words through memorization, bilingual word list, and dictionary.
3. It focuses on translating from one language to another. students become more familiar with both language( the target language and the native language) by using translation.
4. Helps students understand foreign language literature, vocabulary and grammatical structures.
5. Grammar is taught deductively, by presentations and the study of rules, which are then practiced through translation exercises.
6. It develops reading and writing skills.
7. Little or no attention is given to pronunciation.
8. Some sentences like proverbs were learned by heart
Role of teacher in Grammar translation method
1.The authority of the classroom is the teacher and he/ she determines the content what to teach.
2. Teacher explains, translates, conduct practices and correct mistake.
Role of student in Grammar translation method
1.The role of a learner is that of a consumer of knowledge who does whatever his/her teacher instructs him/her to do.
2. Learner is not active but passive.
3. Learner has to memorize vocabulary lists, grammar rules required for reading, writing and translation skills actively.
4. There is very little initiation of interaction from learner's part.
Some common technique associated with Grammar translation method
1.Translations of literary passage.
2. Reading comprehension questions
3. Antonym/ synonyms
4. Cognates
5. Deductive application of grammatical rules
6. Fill in the blanks
7. Memorization (of grammar and vocabulary)
8. Use words in sentences
9. Composition writing
Materials used in Grammar translation method
text book
1. It affects learner's motivation which can lead to frustration, boredom and indiscipline.
2. It neglects listening and speaking skills.
3. Exact translation from one language to another is not always possible.
4. It doesn't require a teacher to speak good English or make good lesson preparations.
5. Learner is a passive and does as the teacher says.
6. It doesn't help the students to form language habits and fails to teach correct articulation, intonation and pronunciation
1.It can be used in quite large room.
2.There is rapid expansion in the vocabulary of the child
3.It can be used in all situations .
4.It is economical as it saves time.
5.It helps to understand word meaning and English grammar.



Ktet Study Notes, English Language Test Preparation for KTET, Methods of english teaching,Grammar Translation Method,Grammar Translation Method,Kerala TET (KTET) Study Notes, Grammar Translation Method-Kerala TET (KTET) Study Notes

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