Banks with address and IFSC/MICR Codes at Payyampally city of Wayanad district in Kerala
Submitted By Asha Manoj on 19 January 2018
Submitted By Asha Manoj on 19 January 2018
IFSC Code: CNRB0001781
MICR Code: 670015810
Branch name: PAYYAMPALLY
Branch address: D NO. X/346A, , PAUUAMPALLY , WYNAD DIST, KERALA, PIN - 670 646
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town/City: Payyampally
District: Wayanad
State: Kerala
Banks in Payyampally, Banks in Wayanad, List of Banks in Kerala, District wise School list, Banks with address, Bank contact number