Submitted By Nimi Sunil on 4 August 2019
Address: CHC, Sector - 22, Sector-22, Chandigarh
Pincode: 160022
State: Chandigarh
Address: S.C.O - 809- 810,17G, Sector 22A, Sector-22, Chandigarh
Pincode: 160022
State: Chandigarh
Address: At- Mirchias Laser Centre,Sco-833-834, Sector-22 A,Opposite Parade Ground, Sector-22, Chandigarh
Pincode: 160022
State: Chandigarh
Address: Sco 809-810, Sector 22-A, Opp Prade Ground, Sector-22, Chandigarh
Pincode: 160022
Phone Number (s): 0172-2720965
State: Chandigarh
Address: SCO.833-34, Sector-22A, Opp.Parade Ground, Chandigarh, Sector-22, Chandigarh
Pincode: 160022
Phone Number (s): 0172-2720965
State: Chandigarh
Address: S.C.O.833-34 Sector 22A Opp.Parade Ground, Opp.Parade Ground, Chandigarh, Sector-22, Chandigarh
Pincode: 160022
State: Chandigarh
Address: S.C.O.833-34, Sector 22-A, Opp.Parade Gound, Chandigarh-160001; Dist:Chandigarh; State:Chandigarh, Sector-22, Chandigarh
Pincode: 160001
Phone Number (s): STD (0172) 2720965 Fax:4665499 Mobile:9780467060
State: Chandigarh
Address: Sco 833- 34, Sector- 22- A, Opposite Parade Ground, Sector-22, Chandigarh
Pincode: 160022
State: Chandigarh
Hospitals with address in Sector-22, Chandigarh, List of Hospitals with address,pincode and phone numbers in Sector-22, Chandigarh, List of Hospitals in Sector-22, hospitals address and phone number, hospitals in Chandigarh