Schools in Carbyns Cove, South Andaman district of Andaman And Nicobar Islands
Submitted By Nimi Sunil on 10 May 2018
Institutes »Schools »Andaman And Nicobar Islands »South Andaman »Carbyns Cove
Submitted By Nimi Sunil on 10 May 2018
GOVT MIDDLE SCHOOL CARBYN'S COVE is located at South Andaman district of Andaman And Nicobar Islands.
School Code: 35010105401
Panchayat/Village/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Carbyns Cove
Rural/Urban: Urban
School Category: Primary with U.Primary
School Management: Dept. of Education
School Type: Co-educational
Schools in Carbyns Cove, Schools in South Andaman, List of Schools in Andaman And Nicobar Islands, District wise School list, Schools with address, School contact number