ICSE, ISC and CVE Schools with Address and details in Lohit
Submitted By Nimi Sunil on 07 July 2020
Submitted By Nimi Sunil on 07 July 2020
Below are the list of ICSE schools in Lohit district, Arunachal Pradesh.
This is a Day school - means it don't has the Boarding facility for the students to stay and study. Students should come and leave school daily.
School Name: St. Mary's School
School Code: AR014
Address: Samoguri I Namsai Dist. Lohit-792103
Phone: 09435355030
Email ID: head@AR014cisce.org
Domain: ar014cisce.org
School Type: Co-educational
Affiliation Type: Provisional
Affiliation: ICSE
Name Of School Head: Sr. Janet Sylvia Mendonca
This is a Day school - means it don't has the Boarding facility for the students to stay and study. Students should come and leave school daily.
School Name: Krick & Boury Memorial School
School Code: AR009
Address: Post Box No. 4 Tribal Colony Lohit-792001
Phone: 08974385171
Email ID: head@ar009cisce.org
Domain: ar009cisce.org
School Type: Co-educational
Affiliation Type: Provisional
Affiliation: ICSE
Name Of School Head: Sr. Dibya Lakra
ICSE, ISC and CVE Schools in Lohit