Schools in Mehal Kalan, Barnala district of Punjab
Submitted By Nimi Sunil on 10 May 2018
Submitted By Nimi Sunil on 10 May 2018
GPS MEHAL KALAN School is located at Barnala district of Punjab.
School Code: 3200202601
Block: Mehal Kalan
Panchayat/Village/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Mehal Kalan
Rural/Urban: Rural
School Category: Primary Only
School Management: Dept. of Education
School Type: Co-educational
SHAHEED BIBI KIRANJIT KAUR MEMORIAL GSSS MEHAL KALAN School is located at Barnala district of Punjab.
School Code: 3200202602
Block: Mehal Kalan
Panchayat/Village/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Mehal Kalan
Rural/Urban: Rural
School Category: Upper Pri.+ Sec. And H.Sec.
School Management: Dept. of Education
School Type: Co-educational
GURU NANAK PUB. SCH. School is located at Barnala district of Punjab.
School Code: 3200202604
Block: Mehal Kalan
Panchayat/Village/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Mehal Kalan
Rural/Urban: Rural
School Category: Pri. + U.Pri And Secondary
School Management: Private Unaided
School Type: Co-educational
GURPREET HOLY HEART PUB SCH School is located at Barnala district of Punjab.
School Code: 3200202610
Block: Mehal Kalan
Panchayat/Village/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Mehal Kalan
Rural/Urban: Rural
School Category: Pri. + U.Pri. + Sec. And H.Sec.
School Management: Private Unaided
School Type: Co-educational
AKAL ACADEMY BARU SAHIB MK School is located at Barnala district of Punjab.
School Code: 3200202611
Block: Mehal Kalan
Panchayat/Village/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Mehal Kalan
Rural/Urban: Rural
School Category: Pri. + U.Pri. + Sec. And H.Sec.
School Management: Private Unaided
School Type: Co-educational
BABA GANDHA SINGH PUBLIC SCHOOL is located at Barnala district of Punjab.
School Code: 3200202612
Block: Mehal Kalan
Panchayat/Village/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Mehal Kalan
Rural/Urban: Rural
School Category: Pri. + U.Pri And Secondary
School Management: Private Unaided
School Type: Co-educational
Schools in Mehal Kalan, Schools in Barnala, List of Schools in Punjab, District wise School list, Schools with address, School contact number