Schools in Supply Depot Cantt, Dehradun district of Uttarakhand
Submitted By Nimi Sunil on 10 May 2018
Institutes »Schools »Uttarakhand »Dehradun »Supply Depot Cantt
Submitted By Nimi Sunil on 10 May 2018
K.V. UPPER CAMP School is located at Dehradun district of Uttarakhand.
School Code: 5050429202
Block: Sahaspur
Panchayat/Village/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Supply Depot Cantt
Rural/Urban: Urban
School Category: Pri. + U.Pri. + Sec. And H.Sec.
School Management: Central Government
School Type: Co-educational
Schools in Supply Depot Cantt, Schools in Dehradun, List of Schools in Uttarakhand, District wise School list, Schools with address, School contact number