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University Colleges with Address and details in Bongaigaon, Assam

Submitted By Nimi Sunil on 05 March 2019

Birjhora Mahavidyalaya

Address: Bongaigaon, District Bongaigaon, Assam
Nature: Permanent
Teaching Upto: Bachelor's
Govt or Non Govt: Non Government
Year of Establishment: 1986
University: Gauhati University, Guwahati

Bongaigaon College

Address: Bongaigaon, District Bongaigaon - 783 380, Assam
Nature: Permanent
Teaching Upto: Bachelor's
Govt or Non Govt: Non Government
Aided or Unaided: Unaided
Year of Establishment: 1964
University: Gauhati University, Guwahati

Rajiv Gandhi Memorial College

Address: P.O. Lengtisinga, Dist. Bongaigaon - 783 384, Assam
Nature: Permanent
Teaching Upto: Bachelor's
Govt or Non Govt: Non Government
Aided or Unaided: Aided
Year of Establishment: 1992
University: Gauhati University, Guwahati

Manikpur Anchalik College

Address: P.O. - Manikpur, Dist. Bongaigaon - 783 392, Assam
Nature: Permanent
Teaching Upto: Bachelor's
Govt or Non Govt: Non Government
Aided or Unaided: Unaided
Year of Establishment: 1993
University: Gauhati University, Guwahati

Mahatma Gandhi College

Address: P.O. - Chalantapara, Dist. Bongaigaon - 783 388, Assam
Nature: Permanent
Teaching Upto: Bachelor's
Govt or Non Govt: Non Government
Aided or Unaided: Aided
Year of Establishment: 1995
University: Gauhati University, Guwahati


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