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Detailed syllabus for the Kerala PSC Main Examination of Sub Inspector Of Police (Trainee) and Armed Police Sub Inspector Trainee

Submitted By Nimi M P on 17 January 2025

Detailed syllabus for the posts of Kerala PSC Main Examination of Sub Inspector Of Police (Trainee) and Armed Police Sub Inspector Trainee are given below. The total marks of the exam is 100. The Syllabus was published in the year 2025. You can refer our 'exam' section for previous and sample question papers. Exam details can be found in our news section or our youtube channel.

Detailed Syllabus And Mark Distribution For The Main Examination Of Sub Inspector Of Police (Trainee) And Armed Police Sub Inspector  Trainee

Distribution of Marks and Detailed Syllabus (100 Marks)

I. General Knowledge
i. History: 3
ii. Geography: 3
iii. Economics: 3
iv. Kerala - Governance and System of Administration: 5
v. Life Science and Public Health: 6
II. Current Affairs: 5
III. Simple Arithmetic, Mental Ability and Reasoning: 10
IV. General English: 10
V. Regional Language (Malayalam, Kannada, Tamil): 10
VI. Special Topic (Subject Related to the nature of duty of the post) including Indian Constitution : 45


(i) HISTORY (3 Marks)

KERALA - Arrival of Europeans-Contributions of Europeans- History of Travancore from Marthanda Varma to Sree Chithirathirunnal- Social and Religious Reform movement- National movement in Kerala- Literary Sources of Kerala History- United Kerala Movement- Political and Social History of Kerala after 1956.

INDIA - Political History- Establishment of the British- First War of Independence - Formation of INC- Swadeshi Movement- Social Reform movement- Newspapers - Literature and Arts during the freedom struggle -Independence Movement & Mahathma Gandhi - India's independent - Post independent period - State reorganization - Development in Science, Education, and Technology - Foreign policy.

WORLD - Great Revolution in England- American War of Independence - French Revolution- Russian Revolution - Chinese Revolution- Political History after Second World War- UNO and other International Organizations

(ii) GEOGRAPHY (3 Marks)

Basics of Geography - Earth Structure - Atmosphere, Rocks, Landforms, Pressure Belt and Winds, Temperature and Seasons, Global Issues- Global Warming- Various forms of Pollution, Maps- Topographic Maps and Signs, Remote Sensing - Geographic Information System, Oceans and its various movements - Continents, - Nations and their specific features.

INDIA - Physiography- States and its features, Northern Mountain Region, Rivers, Northern Great Plain, Peninsular Plateau, Coastal Plain, Climate - Natural Vegetation - Agriculture - Minerals and Industries- Energy Sources, Transport system - Road- Water- Railways- Air.

Kerala - Physiography- Districts and its features - Rivers- Climate - Natural Vegetation - Wild life - Agriculture and research centers - Minerals and Industries - Energy Sources - Transport system - Road - Water- Railway- Air

(iii) ECONOMICS (3 Marks)

India : Economy, Five Year Plans, New Economic Reforms, Planning Commission and Niti Aayog, Financial Institutions, Agriculture - Major Crops, Green Revolution, Minerals. Direct and indirect taxes in India, GST in India-rationale and structure of GST, benefits of GST.

(iv) Kerala Governance and System of Administration - (5 Marks)

Kerala State Civil Service- Quasi-judicial bodies, various Commissions, Basic facts of socio-economic development- Planning Board-Commercial Planning and Policies-Disaster Management- Watershed Management- Employment and Labour-National Rural Employment Programmes- Land Reforms- Social Welfare and Security- Protection of Women, Children and Senior Citizens- Population, Literacy, E-governance, Delegated Legislation and its controls- Legislative and Judicial controls- Constitutional law remedies against Administrative Arbitrariness- Administrative Discretion and its Controls- Administrative Adjudication-Principles of Natural Justice.

(v) Life Science and Public Health (6 Marks)

1. Basic facts of Human Body
2. Vitamins and Minerals and their Deficiency Diseases
3. Communicable Diseases and Causative Organisms, Preventive and Remedial Measures
4. Kerala - Welfare activities in Health Sector
5. Lifestyle Diseases.
6. Basic Health Facts
7. Environment and Environmental Hazards

II. Current Affairs (5 Marks)

III. Simple Arithmetic, Mental Ability and Reasoning

(i). Simple Arithmetic (5 Marks)

1. Numbers and Basic Operations
2. Fraction and Decimal Numbers
3. Percentage
4. Profit and Loss
5. Simple and Compound Interest
6. Ratio and Proportion
7. Time and Distance
8. Time and Work
9. Average
10. Laws of Exponents
11. Mensuration
12. Progressions

(ii). Mental Ability & Reasoning (5 Marks)

1. Series
2. Problems on Mathematical Signs
3. Verifying Positions.
4. Analogy- Word Analogy, Alphabet Analogy, Number Analogy
5. Odd man out
6. Numerical Ability
7. Coding and Decoding
8. Family Relations
9. Sense of Direction
10. Time and Angles
11. Time in a clock and its reflection
12. Date and Calendar
13.Clerical Ability


(i) English Grammar (5 Marks)

1. Types of Sentences and Interchange of Sentences.
2. Different Parts of Speech.
3. Agreement of Subject and Verb.
4. Articles - Definite and Indefinite Articles.
5. Uses of Primary and Modal Auxiliary Verbs
6. Question Tags
7. Infinitive and Gerunds
8. Tenses
9. Tenses in Conditional Sentences
10. Prepositions
11. The Use of Correlatives
12. Direct and Indirect Speech
13. Active and Passive voice
14. Correction of Sentences
15. Degrees of Comparison

(ii) Vocabulary (5 Marks)

1. Singular & Plural, Change of Gender, C ollec tive Nouns
2. Word formation from other words and use of prefix or suffix
3. Compound words
4. Synonyms
5. Antonyms
6. Phrasal Verbs
7. Foreign Words and Phrases
8. One Word Substitutes
9. Words often confused
10. Spelling Test
11. Idioms and their Meanings
12. Expansion and meaning of Common Abbreviations




1. Word Purity / Correct Word
2. Correct Sentence
3. Translation
4. One Word / Single Word / One Word Substitution
5. Synonyms
6. Antonyms
7. Idioms and Proverbs
8. Equivalent Word
9. Join the Word
10. Feminine Gender, Masculine Gender
11. Number
12. Sort and Write


1) Correct Word
2) Correct Structure of Sentence
3) Translation
4) Single Word
5) Synonyms
6) Antonyms / Opposite
7) Phrases and Proverbs
8) Equal Word
9) Join the Word
10) Gender Classification - Feminine, Masculine
11) Singular, Plural
12) Separate
13 ) Adding Phrases

VI) Special Topics (Subject Related to the nature of duty of the post) including Indian Constitution (45 Marks)


Syllabus for Sub Inspector of Police Trainee Main Examination 1
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Detailed syllabus for the Main Examination of Sub Inspector Of Police (Trainee) and Armed Police Sub Inspector Trainee KPSC, Kerala PSC exam syllabus, Detailed Kerala PSC Examination syllabus,Detailed syllabus for the Kerala PSC Main Examination of Sub Inspector Of Police (Trainee) and Armed Police Sub Inspector Trainee,Syllabus for Sub Inspector of Police Trainee Main Examination, Detailed Syllabus for the Main Examination of Sub Inspector Of Police (Trainee) and Armed Police Sub Inspector Trainee,Detailed syllabus for the Kerala PSC Main Examination of Sub Inspector Of Police (Trainee) and Armed Police Sub Inspector Trainee

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