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Telangana Teacher Eligibility Test (TGTET) 2024-II Paper I Environmental Studies Syllabus

Submitted By Nimi M P on 18 January 2025

Detailed syllabus for the Telangana Teacher Eligibility Test (TGTET) 2024-II Paper I (Classes I to V) Environmental Studies are given below. The Syllabus was published in the year 2024. Total marks of the paper is 150 and Marks of Environmental Studies is 30. You can refer our 'exam' section for previous and sample question papers. Exam details can be found in our news section or our youtube channel.

V. Environmental Studies (Marks: 30)

CONTENT (Marks: 24)

1. My Family - My Family - Family tree, migration, changing structures of family -nuclear and joint families, festivals.
2. Work & Play - Occupations, Child labor, Games - Local, National and International, Marshal Arts, Effects of games on respiration and breathing, fairs, Circus.
3. Plants and Animals-Plants & animals in our surroundings, Plant & Animal products, parts of a plant, photosynthesis, parts of a flower, pollination, fertilization, fruits, seeds. Wild & cultivated plants, wild & domestic animals their food, arrangement of teeth in animals.
4. Our Food - Different types of food, storage of grains and vegetables, storage of food, Food - animal husbandry, Nutrients of food, deficiency diseases.
5. Shelter - Need, different types of houses, electrical appliances - their use, social life in ants and honey bees, Animals shelter - variation.
6. Air - Importance of air, composition of air, atmospheric pressure, diseases spread through air and their prevention, air pollution - causes, its impact, and measures to prevent, Green House effect.
7. Energy - Renewable, Non-renewable, Future Energy.
8. Water - Importance, water resources, tanks, aquatic flora and fauna, measurement of liquids, Water pollution - causes, impact, measures to prevent, purification of water, drought, floods.
9. Our Body - Health - Cleanliness - External, Internal parts of our body, Bones, Muscles, Sense organs, Digestion, Respiration, Nervous system, Excretory system, Circulatory system, First Aid.
10. Mapping - Direction, Mandal, District, State, India
11. History and culture of India - Evolution of Man, Pre-historic period, Indian culture and Heritage, Civilization, Medieval period culture, Ancient monuments, Religious movements: Jainism, Buddhism, Bhakti movement, Great personalities, Indian freedom movement, Modern India.
12. Our country (India) - Location, Area, Physical features, Climate, Natural resources, Continents and Oceans, Historical places in India, Population.
13. Our state (Telangana) - Culture, State Government, Gram Panchayat, Mandal Parishad, Municipality, Municipal Corporation, Local Emergency services, our state symbols, Livelihood, Civilization - Impact of rivers.
14. Indian constitution - Preamble, Major concepts, Fundamental rights, Fundamental duties, Child Rights
15. Security - Earth Quakes, Floods, Fire, First Aid, 108, 104 Vehicles

PEDAGOGY (Marks: 06)

1. Concept and scope of Environmental Studies (Science & Social Studies)
2. Aims & Objectives of teaching Environmental Studies (Science & Social Studies) Academic Standards of Teaching EVS
3. Relation to Science and Social Studies
4. Curriculum and its transaction
5. Learning Environment
6. CCE


Detailed syllabus for the Telangana Teacher Eligibility Test (TGTET) 2024-II Paper I (Classes I to V) Environmental Studies, TGTET exam syllabus, Detailed TET Examination syllabus,Telangana Teacher Eligibility Test (TGTET) 2024-II Paper I Environmental Studies Syllabus,Telangana Teacher Eligibility Test 2024 II Paper I Environmental Studies Syllabus, Detailed syllabus for the Eligibility exam to hire School teachers in Telangana - Telangana Teacher Eligibility Test (TGTET) 2024-II Paper I (Classes I to V) Environmental Studies,Telangana Teacher Eligibility Test (TGTET) 2024-II Paper I Environmental Studies Syllabus

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