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Telangana Teacher Eligibility Test (TGTET) 2024-II Paper I Mathematics Syllabus

Submitted By Nimi M P on 18 January 2025

Detailed syllabus for the Telangana Teacher Eligibility Test (TGTET) 2024-II Paper I (Classes I to V) Mathematics are given below. The Syllabus was published in the year 2024. Total marks of the paper is 150 and Marks of Mathematics is 30. You can refer our 'exam' section for previous and sample question papers. Exam details can be found in our news section or our youtube channel.

IV. Mathematics (Marks: 30)

CONTENT (Marks: 24)

1. Number System:

Natural Numbers, Whole Numbers, Integers, Rational Numbers & their fundamental operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). Primes Composite Numbers, Co-Primes, Twin Primes, Relationship between LCM & GCD, Indian currency, Representation of Natural, Whole, integers and rational numbers on a number line. Terminating and Non-terminating decimals, Non-terminating but recurring decimals, square, square root, cube, cube roots of numbers, Pythagorean triplets. Applications on number system

2. Fractions:

Concept of Fractions, Proper Fractions, Improper Fractions, Mixed Fractions, Decimal Fractions, Comparison, Fundamental operations on fractions (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), Representation of a fraction in pictorial form and on a number line, reciprocal of fraction, uses of fractions in daily life

3. Arithmetic:

Unitary method, percentages, profit and loss, ratio and proportion, direct proportion, discount, simple interest, compound interest, time and work, time and distance, tax (Vat).

4. Geometry:

Basic idea of geometry (2D & 3D shapes), types of angles, construction and measurement of angles, types of angles, lines, triangles, types of triangles, quadrilaterals, types of quadrilaterals, congruence, property of congruencies of triangles (SAS, SSS, ASA, RHS), construction of triangles and quadrilaterals, patterns with geometrical shapes, representing 3D Shapes into 2D Shapes, Euler's relation, Properties of triangles, parallelogram, trapezium, Rhombus, Rectangle, Square and Kite, Concept of Circles, Symmetry.

5. Measurements:

Length, Weight, Capacity, Time and their Standard Units, Surface Area and volume of a cube and a cuboids, perimeter and area of triangle, quadrilateral, parallelogram, rectangle, Rhombus, Square and Trapezium. Circumference of a circle, Area of Circle, Circular paths, other polygons and sector in a circle.

6. Data Applications:

Introduction to Data, Data Presentation, Preparation of Frequency distribution table, Bar Graph, Pictograph, Histogram, Mean, Median and Mode of ungrouped data, determination of Mean by deviation method, Cumulative Frequency Distribution Table, Frequency Polygon, Frequency Curve and Cumulative Frequency Curves.

7. Algebra:

Introduction to Algebra, Simple equations, solving linear equation in one variable, exponents and powers, Algebric expressions, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division and Factorisation of algebric expressions, algebric identities.

PEDAGOGY (Marks: 06)

1. Definitions and Nature of Mathematics
2. Aims, values , instructional objectives of teaching Mathematics and Academic Standards
3. Methods of Teaching Mathematics
4. Instructional material in Mathematics - TLM in Mathematics
5. Instructional Planning
6. Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) - Formative Assessment, Summative Assessment - Processes and procedures
7. Designing, Administration, Analysis of scholastic Achievement test (SAT)
8. Diagnostic and Remedial Teaching
9. The Mathematics Teacher
10. Resource Utilization
11. Curriculum and Text Book


Detailed syllabus for the Telangana Teacher Eligibility Test (TGTET) 2024-II Paper I (Classes I to V) Mathematics, TGTET exam syllabus, Detailed TET Examination syllabus,Telangana Teacher Eligibility Test (TGTET) 2024-II Paper I Mathematics Syllabus,Telangana Teacher Eligibility Test 2024 II Paper I Mathematics Syllabus, Detailed syllabus for the Eligibility exam to hire School teachers in Telangana - Telangana Teacher Eligibility Test (TGTET) 2024-II Paper I (Classes I to V) Mathematics,Telangana Teacher Eligibility Test (TGTET) 2024-II Paper I Mathematics Syllabus

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