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Travel »Railway Stations »Haryana»Hisar»Hansi

Train Timing at Hansi Railway Station in the Hisar district of Haryana

Submitted By Nimi Sunil on 9 February 2019

Railway Station Details

Railway Station Name: HANSI

Railway Station Full Name: Hansi

Railway Station Code: HNS

District: Hisar

State: Haryana

Trains From/To Hansi Railway Station

Train No Train Name Arrival Time Departure Time Halt Time (Minutes) Origin Station Destination Station Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
14519 KISAN EXPRESS 18:15 18:17 2:00 DELHI BHATINDA JN Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
14520 KISAN EXPRESS 10:00 10:01 1:00 BHATINDA JN DELHI Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Trains from HANSI - HNS Railway Station to other stations

Are you searching for the trains from HANSI - HNS Railway Station to other railway stations of India?. We have the list of direct trains and break journey options (Travel to the destination by multiple trains). Please find at Trains from / to HANSI - HNS

Connected Stations, Districts and States from HANSI - HNS Railway Station

Bahadurgarh (BAHADURGARH - BGZ), Jhajjar district, Haryana

Bathinda Junction (BHATINDA JN - BTI), Bathinda district, Punjab

Bhattu (BHATTU - BHT), Fatehabad district, Haryana

Bhiwani (BHIWANI - BNW), Bhiwani district, Haryana

Delhi (DELHI - DLI), Central Delhi district, Delhi

Delhi Kishanganj (DELHI KISHANGNJ - DKZ), Central Delhi district, Delhi

Ding (DING - DING), Sirsa district, Haryana

Hansi (HANSI - HNS), Hisar district, Haryana

Hisar (HISAR - HSR), Hisar district, Haryana

Kalanaur Kalan (KALANAUR KALAN - KLNK), Rohtak district, Haryana

Kalanwali (KALANWALI - KNL), Sirsa district, Haryana

Mandi Adampur (MANDI ADAMPUR - ADR), Hisar district, Haryana

Nangloi (NANGLOI - NNO), North Delhi district, Delhi

Raman (RAMAN - RMN), Bathinda district, Punjab

Rohtak Junction (ROHTAK JN - ROK), Rohtak district, Haryana

Sampla (SAMPLA - SPZ), Rohtak district, Haryana

Satrod (SATROD - STD), Hisar district, Haryana

Shakurbasti (SHAKURBASTI - SSB), North Delhi district, Delhi

Sirsa (SIRSA - SSA), Sirsa district, Haryana


Railway Time Table at Hansi (HANSI - HNS) Railway Station in the Hisar district of Haryana state in India, train timing at railway stations,railway time table,trains from and to Hansi,trains from and to Hisar district of Haryana state in India

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