Train Timing at Kathleeghat Railway Station in the Solan district of Himachal Pradesh
Submitted By Nimi Sunil on 9 February 2019
Railway Station Details
Railway Station Name: KATHLEEGHAT
Railway Station Full Name: Kathleeghat
Railway Station Code: KEJ
District: Solan
State: Himachal Pradesh
Trains From/To Kathleeghat Railway Station
Train No | Train Name | Arrival Time | Departure Time | Halt Time (Minutes) | Origin Station | Destination Station | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
52454 | SML KLK EXPRESS | 19:45 | 19:46 | 1:00 | SIMLA | KALKA | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Trains from KATHLEEGHAT - KEJ Railway Station to other stations
Are you searching for the trains from KATHLEEGHAT - KEJ Railway Station to other railway stations of India?. We have the list of direct trains and break journey options (Travel to the destination by multiple trains). Please find at Trains from / to KATHLEEGHAT - KEJ
Connected Stations, Districts and States from KATHLEEGHAT - KEJ Railway Station
Barog (BAROG - BOF), Solan district, Himachal Pradesh
Dharmpur Hmchl (DHARMPUR HMCHL - DMP), Solan district, Himachal Pradesh
Jutogh (JUTOGH - JTO), Solan district, Himachal Pradesh
Kalka (KALKA - KLK), Panchkula district, Haryana
Kandaghat (KANDAGHAT - KDZ), Solan district, Himachal Pradesh
Solan (KANOH - KANO), Solan district, Himachal Pradesh
Kathleeghat (KATHLEEGHAT - KEJ), Solan district, Himachal Pradesh
Kumarhatti (KUMARHATTI - KMTI), Kullu district, Himachal Pradesh
Salogra (SALOGRA - SLR), Solan district, Himachal Pradesh
Shoghi (SHOGHI - SGS), Solan district, Himachal Pradesh
Shimla (SIMLA - SML), Shimla district, Himachal Pradesh
Solan (SOLAN - SOL), Solan district, Himachal Pradesh
Summer Hill (SUMMER HILL - SHZ), Shimla district, Himachal Pradesh
Taradevi (TARADEVI - TVI), Shimla district, Himachal Pradesh
Railway Time Table at Kathleeghat (KATHLEEGHAT - KEJ) Railway Station in the Solan district of Himachal Pradesh state in India, train timing at railway stations,railway time table,trains from and to Kathleeghat,trains from and to Solan district of Himachal Pradesh state in India