Train Timing at Telo Railway Station in the Sahebganj district of Jharkhand
Submitted By Nimi Sunil on 9 February 2019
Railway Station Details
Railway Station Name: TELO
Railway Station Full Name: Telo
Railway Station Code: TELO
District: Sahebganj
State: Jharkhand
Trains From/To Telo Railway Station
Train No | Train Name | Arrival Time | Departure Time | Halt Time (Minutes) | Origin Station | Destination Station | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
18625 | PNBE HTE EXPRESS | 17:13 | 17:15 | 2:00 | PATNA JN | HATIA | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
18626 | HTE PNBE EXP | 9:31 | 9:33 | 2:00 | HATIA | PATNA JN | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
28624 | BARKA PNBE EXP | 19:26 | 19:28 | 2:00 | BARKA KANA | PATNA JN | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Trains from TELO - TELO Railway Station to other stations
Are you searching for the trains from TELO - TELO Railway Station to other railway stations of India?. We have the list of direct trains and break journey options (Travel to the destination by multiple trains). Please find at Trains from / to TELO - TELO
Connected Stations, Districts and States from TELO - TELO Railway Station
Arigada (ARIGADA - ARGD), Ramgarh district, Jharkhand
Barka Kana (BARKA KANA - BRKA), Ramgarh district, Jharkhand
Bela (BELA - BELA), Gaya district, Bihar
Bermo (BERMO - BRMO), Bokaro district, Jharkhand
Bhandaridah (BHANDARIDAH - BHME), Bokaro district, Jharkhand
Bokaro Steel City (BOKARO STL CITY - BKSC), Bokaro district, Jharkhand
Bokaro Thermal (BOKARO THERMAL - BKRO), Bokaro district, Jharkhand
Chainpur (CHAINPUR - CNPR), Ramgarh district, Jharkhand
Chandrapura Junction (CHANDRAPURA JN - CRP), Bokaro district, Jharkhand
Danea (DANEA - DNEA), Bokaro district, Jharkhand
Gaya Junction (GAYA JN - GAYA), Gaya district, Bihar
Gujhandi (GUJHANDI - GJD), Koderma district, Jharkhand
Gumia (GUMIA - GMIA), Bokaro district, Jharkhand
Hatia (HATIA - HTE), Ranchi district, Jharkhand
Hazaribagh Road (HAZARIBAGH RD - HZD), Giridih district, Jharkhand
Jarangdih (JARANGDIH - JAN), Bokaro district, Jharkhand
Jehanabad (JEHANABAD - JHD), Jehanabad district, Bihar
Jhalida (JHALIDA - JAA), Puruliya district, West Bengal
Koderma (KODERMA - KQR), Koderma district, Jharkhand
Kotshila (KOTSHILA - KSX), Puruliya district, West Bengal
Makhdumpur Gaya (MAKHDUMPUR GAYA - MDE), Jehanabad district, Bihar
Muri (MURI - MURI), Ranchi district, Jharkhand
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Gomoh (NSC BOSE J GOMO - GMO), Dhanbad district, Jharkhand
Paharpur (PAHARPUR - PRP), Gaya district, Bihar
Parasnath (PARASNATH - PNME), Giridih district, Jharkhand
Parsabad (PARSABAD - PSB), Koderma district, Jharkhand
Patna Junction (PATNA JN - PNBE), Patna district, Bihar
Phusro (PHUSRO - PUS), Bokaro district, Jharkhand
Pundhag (PUNDHAG - PNW), Bokaro district, Jharkhand
Ranchi (RANCHI - RNC), Ranchi district, Jharkhand
Ranchi Road (RANCHI ROAD - RRME), Ramgarh district, Jharkhand
Tankuppa (TANKUPPA - TKN), Gaya district, Bihar
Taregana (TAREGNA - TEA), Patna district, Bihar
Telo (TELO - TELO), Sahebganj district, Jharkhand
Railway Time Table at Telo (TELO - TELO) Railway Station in the Sahebganj district of Jharkhand state in India, train timing at railway stations,railway time table,trains from and to Telo,trains from and to Sahebganj district of Jharkhand state in India