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Travel »Railway Stations »Uttar Pradesh»Gorakhpur»Kusmhi

Train Timing at Kusmhi Railway Station in the Gorakhpur district of Uttar Pradesh

Submitted By Nimi Sunil on 9 February 2019

Railway Station Details

Railway Station Name: KUSMHI

Railway Station Full Name: Kusmhi

Railway Station Code: KHM

District: Gorakhpur

State: Uttar Pradesh

Trains From/To Kusmhi Railway Station

Train No Train Name Arrival Time Departure Time Halt Time (Minutes) Origin Station Destination Station Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Trains from KUSMHI - KHM Railway Station to other stations

Are you searching for the trains from KUSMHI - KHM Railway Station to other railway stations of India?. We have the list of direct trains and break journey options (Travel to the destination by multiple trains). Please find at Trains from / to KUSMHI - KHM

Connected Stations, Districts and States from KUSMHI - KHM Railway Station

Allahabad City (ALLAHABAD CITY - ALY), Prayagraj district, Uttar Pradesh

Allahabad Junction (ALLAHABAD JN - ALD), Prayagraj district, Uttar Pradesh

Aunrihar Junction (AUNRIHAR JN - ARJ), Ghazipur district, Uttar Pradesh

Belthara Road (BELTHARA ROAD - BLTR), Ballia district, Uttar Pradesh

Bharwari (BHARWARI - BRE), Kaushambi district, Uttar Pradesh

Bhatni Junction (BHATNI JN - BTT), Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh

Bhulanpur (BHULANPUR - BHLP), Varanasi district, Uttar Pradesh

Bindki Road (BINDKI ROAD - BKO), Fatehpur district, Uttar Pradesh

Chauri Chaura (CHAURI CHAURA - CC), Gorakhpur district, Uttar Pradesh

Deoria Sadar (DEORIA SADAR - DEOS), Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh

Dullahapur (DULLAHAPUR - DLR), Ghazipur district, Uttar Pradesh

Fatehpur (FATEHPUR - FTP), Fatehpur district, Uttar Pradesh

Gauri Bazar (GAURI BAZAR - GB), Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh

Gorakhpur Cantonment (GORAKHPUR CANT - GKC), Gorakhpur district, Uttar Pradesh

Gorakhpur Junction (GORAKHPUR JN - GKP), Gorakhpur district, Uttar Pradesh

Gyanpur Road (GYANPUR ROAD - GYN), Bhadohi district, Uttar Pradesh

Handia Khas (HANDIA KHAS - HDK), Prayagraj district, Uttar Pradesh

Indara Junction (INDARA JN - IAA), Mau district, Uttar Pradesh

Kanpur Anwarganj (KANPUR ANWRGANJ - CPA), Kanpur Nagar district, Uttar Pradesh

Kanpur Central (KANPUR CENTRAL - CNB), Kanpur Nagar district, Uttar Pradesh

Khaga (KHAGA - KGA), Fatehpur district, Uttar Pradesh

Kusmhi (KUSMHI - KHM), Gorakhpur district, Uttar Pradesh

Lar Road (LAR ROAD - LRD), Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh

Madhosingh (MADHOSINGH - MBS), Ballia district, Uttar Pradesh

Manduadih (MANDUADIH - MUV), Varanasi district, Uttar Pradesh

Mau Junction (MAU JN - MAU), Mau district, Uttar Pradesh

Salempur Junction (SALEMPUR JN - SRU), Deoria district, Uttar pradesh

Sardarnagar (SARDARNAGAR - SANR), Gorakhpur district, Uttar Pradesh

Sirathu (SIRATHU - SRO), Kaushambi district, Uttar Pradesh

Varanasi City (VARANASI CITY - BCY), Varanasi district, Uttar Pradesh

Varanasi Junction (VARANASI JN - BSB), Varanasi district, Uttar Pradesh


Railway Time Table at Kusmhi (KUSMHI - KHM) Railway Station in the Gorakhpur district of Uttar Pradesh state in India, train timing at railway stations,railway time table,trains from and to Kusmhi,trains from and to Gorakhpur district of Uttar Pradesh state in India

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