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Travel »Railways »Mail Express Superfast »TUTARI EXPRESS

11003-TUTARI EXPRESS Train Time Table with Arrival and Departure time at stations

TUTARI EXPRESS is a Mail Express Superfast Train in India. Mail/Express trains are Regular Express rail services of India. Express trains make a small number of stops, unlike Passenger/Local trains. In some cases, trains run express where there is overlapping local train service available, and run local at the tail ends of the line, where there is no supplemental local service. Because of their limited stops, these trains are able to obtain the highest speeds of any trains in India. Superfast Mail/Express trains are express rail services of the Indian Railways. They make few stops, unlike other Mail/Express trains, achieving somewhat shorter journey times. Tickets cost more than Mail/Express rates. In some cases, trains run Superfast where there is an overlapping Mail/Express service available, and run regular Mail/Express trains where there is no supplementary Mail/Express service. Train Numbers from 02779 to 13010 are displayed in this section.

Train Number of TUTARI EXPRESS is 11003. This train starts from the station DADAR by 00:05 Hours and completes it's journey at the last station SAWANTWADI ROAD by 10:40 Hours. The train runs on all days in the week.

TUTARI EXPRESS stops at 19 stations other than source and destinations. The train covers 647 km in 1 days. The train completes it's journey in 10 Hours and 35 Minutes and the average speed of the train is 61.2 km/hour.

Station Name Station Code District State Arrival Departure Day Halt(Min) Distance Route
DADAR DR Mumbai Maharashtra Source 00:05 1 -- 0 1
THANE TNA Thane Maharashtra 00:27 00:30 1 03:00 25 1
PANVEL PNVL Raigad Maharashtra 01:15 01:20 1 05:00 60 1
ROHA ROHA Raigad Maharashtra 02:40 02:45 1 05:00 137 1
MANGAON MNI Raigad Maharashtra 03:28 03:30 1 02:00 180 1
VEER VEER Raigad Maharashtra 03:46 03:48 1 02:00 203 1
KHED KHED Ratnagiri Maharashtra 04:28 04:30 1 02:00 275 1
CHIPLUN CHI Ratnagiri Maharashtra 04:54 04:56 1 02:00 316 1
SAVARDA SVX Ratnagiri Maharashtra 05:14 05:16 1 02:00 342 1
ARAVALI ROAD AVRD Ratnagiri Maharashtra 05:26 05:28 1 02:00 356 1
SANGMESHWAR SGR Ratnagiri Maharashtra 05:42 05:44 1 02:00 376 1
RATNAGIRI RN Ratnagiri Maharashtra 06:20 06:25 1 05:00 422 1
ADAVALI ADVI Ratnagiri Maharashtra 06:54 06:56 1 02:00 467 1
VILAVADE VID Ratnagiri Maharashtra 07:10 07:12 1 02:00 488 1
RAJAPUR ROAD RAJP Ratnagiri Maharashtra 07:30 07:32 1 02:00 511 1
VAIBHAVWADI RD VBW Sindhudurg Maharashtra 07:48 07:50 1 02:00 535 1
NANDGAON ROAD NAN Sindhudurg Maharashtra 08:12 08:14 1 02:00 556 1
KANKAVALI KKW Sindhudurg Maharashtra 08:28 08:30 1 02:00 578 1
SINDHUDURG SNDD Sindhudurg Maharashtra 08:46 08:48 1 02:00 603 1
KUDAL KUDL Sindhudurg Maharashtra 09:00 09:02 1 02:00 617 1
SAWANTWADI ROAD SWV Sindhudurg Maharashtra 10:40 -- 1 -- 647 1


Mail Express Superfast Time Table with Train Number,Train Name,Arrival and Departure time at stations,train availability in the week,halt time,average speed,distance covered, 11003-TUTARI EXPRESS is a Mail Express Superfast Train from DADAR to SAWANTWADI ROAD

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