12425-JAMMU RAJDHANI Train Time Table with Arrival and Departure time at stations
JAMMU RAJDHANI is a Rajdhani Express Train in India. The Rajdhani Express is a series of express passenger train services in India operated by Indian Railways connecting the national capital New Delhi with capital and/or largest cities of various states. The Rajdhanis are among the fastest trains in India.
Train Number of JAMMU RAJDHANI is 12425. This train starts from the station NEW DELHI by 20:40 Hours and completes it's journey at the last station JAMMU TAWI by 05:45 Hours. The train runs on all days in the week.
JAMMU RAJDHANI stops at 3 stations other than source and destinations. The train covers 577 km in 2 days. The train completes it's journey in 9 Hours and 5 Minutes and the average speed of the train is 63.6 km/hour.
Station Name | Station Code | District | State | Arrival | Departure | Day | Halt(Min) | Distance | Route |
NEW DELHI | NDLS | New Delhi | Delhi | Source | 20:40 | 1 | -- | 0 | 1 |
LUDHIANA JN | LDH | Ludhiana | Punjab | 00:57 | 01:07 | 2 | 10:00 | 312 | 1 |
PATHANKOT CANTT | PTKC | Pathankot | Punjab | 03:35 | 03:40 | 2 | 05:00 | 478 | 1 |
KATHUA | KTHU | Kathua | Jammu and Kashmir | 04:08 | 04:10 | 2 | 02:00 | 501 | 1 |
JAMMU TAWI | JAT | Jammu | Jammu and Kashmir | 05:45 | -- | 2 | -- | 577 | 1 |