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Travel »Railways »Shatabdi Express »TEJAS EXPRESS

22120-TEJAS EXPRESS Train Time Table with Arrival and Departure time at stations

TEJAS EXPRESS is a Shatabdi Express Train in India. Shatabdi Express trains are a series of fast passenger trains operated by Indian Railways to connect Metro cities with other cities important for tourism, pilgrimage or business. Shatabdi Express are day-trains and they return to the station of origin the same day.

Train Number of TEJAS EXPRESS is 22120. This train starts from the station KARMALI by 14:30 Hours and completes it's journey at the last station C SHIVAJI MAH T by 23:00 Hours. The train runs on every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

TEJAS EXPRESS stops at 6 stations other than source and destinations. The train covers 725 km in 1 days. The train completes it's journey in 8 Hours and 30 Minutes and the average speed of the train is 85.2 km/hour.

Station Name Station Code District State Arrival Departure Day Halt(Min) Distance Route
KARMALI KRMI North Goa Goa Source 14:30 1 -- 0 1
KUDAL KUDL Sindhudurg Maharashtra 15:26 15:28 1 02:00 100 1
RATNAGIRI RN Ratnagiri Maharashtra 17:15 17:20 1 05:00 295 1
CHIPLUN CHI Ratnagiri Maharashtra 18:18 18:20 1 02:00 401 1
PANVEL PNVL Raigad Maharashtra 21:33 21:35 1 02:00 657 1
THANE TNA Thane Maharashtra 22:17 22:19 1 02:00 692 1
DADAR DR Mumbai Maharashtra 22:38 22:40 1 02:00 716 1
C SHIVAJI MAH T CSMT Mumbai Maharashtra 23:00 -- 1 -- 725 1


Shatabdi Express Time Table with Train Number,Train Name,Arrival and Departure time at stations,train availability in the week,halt time,average speed,distance covered, 22120-TEJAS EXPRESS is a Shatabdi Express Train from KARMALI to C SHIVAJI MAH T

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