12881-HWH PURI G RATH Train Time Table with Arrival and Departure time at stations
HWH PURI G RATH is a Special Trains Train in India. Special Trains are the trains which run temporarily or for special purpose. These are mostly express trains
Train Number of HWH PURI G RATH is 12881. This train starts from the station HOWRAH JN by 20:55 Hours and completes it's journey at the last station PURI by 05:40 Hours. The train runs on every Tuesday, Thursday.
HWH PURI G RATH stops at 7 stations other than source and destinations. The train covers 502 km in 2 days. The train completes it's journey in 8 Hours and 45 Minutes and the average speed of the train is 57.6 km/hour.
Station Name | Station Code | District | State | Arrival | Departure | Day | Halt(Min) | Distance | Route |
HOWRAH JN | HWH | Howrah | West Bengal | Source | 20:55 | 1 | -- | 0 | 1 |
KHARAGPUR JN | KGP | Paschim Medinipur | West Bengal | 22:40 | 22:50 | 1 | 10:00 | 116 | 1 |
BALASORE | BLS | Balasore | Odisha | 00:26 | 00:28 | 2 | 02:00 | 234 | 1 |
BHADRAK | BHC | Bhadrak | Odisha | 01:35 | 01:37 | 2 | 02:00 | 296 | 1 |
JAJPUR K ROAD | JJKR | Jajpur | Odisha | 02:09 | 02:11 | 2 | 02:00 | 340 | 1 |
CUTTACK | CTC | Cuttack | Odisha | 03:10 | 03:15 | 2 | 05:00 | 412 | 1 |
BHUBANESWAR | BBS | Khordha | Odisha | 03:50 | 03:55 | 2 | 05:00 | 439 | 1 |
KHURDA ROAD JN | KUR | Khordha | Odisha | 04:30 | 04:35 | 2 | 05:00 | 458 | 1 |
PURI | PURI | Puri | Odisha | 05:40 | -- | 2 | -- | 502 | 1 |