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Travel »Railways »Special Trains »NCJ MS SUVIDHA

82609-NCJ MS SUVIDHA Train Time Table with Arrival and Departure time at stations

NCJ MS SUVIDHA is a Special Trains Train in India. Special Trains are the trains which run temporarily or for special purpose. These are mostly express trains

Train Number of NCJ MS SUVIDHA is 82609. This train starts from the station NAGERCOIL JN by 17:05 Hours and completes it's journey at the last station CHENNAI EGMORE by 07:20 Hours. The train runs on every Sunday.

NCJ MS SUVIDHA stops at 18 stations other than source and destinations. The train covers 791 km in 2 days. The train completes it's journey in 14 Hours and 15 Minutes and the average speed of the train is 55.8 km/hour.

Station Name Station Code District State Arrival Departure Day Halt(Min) Distance Route
NAGERCOIL JN NCJ Kanyakumari Tamil Nadu Source 17:05 1 -- 0 1
VALLIYUR VLY Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu 17:35 17:37 1 02:00 32 1
TIRUNELVELI TEN Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu 18:23 18:25 1 02:00 74 1
VANCHIMANIYACHI MEJ Thoothukudi Tamil Nadu 19:08 19:10 1 02:00 103 1
SATUR SRT Virudhunagar Tamil Nadu 20:00 20:02 1 02:00 160 1
VIRUDUNAGAR JN VPT Virudhunagar Tamil Nadu 20:28 20:30 1 02:00 187 1
MADURAI JN MDU Madurai Tamil Nadu 21:15 21:20 1 05:00 230 1
DINDIGUL JN DG Dindigul Tamil Nadu 22:20 22:22 1 02:00 296 1
TIRUCHCHIRAPALI TPJ Tiruchirappalli Tamil Nadu 23:40 23:45 1 05:00 391 1
THANJAVUR TJ Thanjavur Tamil Nadu 00:38 00:40 2 02:00 440 1
KUMBAKONAM KMU Thanjavur Tamil Nadu 01:13 01:15 2 02:00 480 1
MAYILADUTURAI J MV Nagapattinam Tamil Nadu 01:43 01:45 2 02:00 511 1
CHIDAMBARAM CDM Cuddalore Tamil Nadu 02:28 02:30 2 02:00 548 1
TIRUPADRIPULYUR TDPR Cuddalore Tamil Nadu 03:13 03:15 2 02:00 590 1
VILLUPURAM JN VM Viluppuram Tamil Nadu 04:15 04:20 2 05:00 633 1
MELMARUVATTUR MLMR Kanchipuram Tamil Nadu 05:18 05:20 2 02:00 700 1
CHENGALPATTU CGL Kanchipuram Tamil Nadu 05:58 06:00 2 02:00 736 1
TAMBARAM TBM Chennai Tamil Nadu 06:28 06:30 2 02:00 766 1
MAMBALAM MBM Chennai Tamil Nadu 06:50 06:52 2 02:00 784 1
CHENNAI EGMORE MS Chennai Tamil Nadu 07:20 -- 2 -- 791 1


Special Trains Time Table with Train Number,Train Name,Arrival and Departure time at stations,train availability in the week,halt time,average speed,distance covered, 82609-NCJ MS SUVIDHA is a Special Trains Train from NAGERCOIL JN to CHENNAI EGMORE

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