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Travel »Railways »Special Trains »ERS MAS SUVIDHA

82632-ERS MAS SUVIDHA Train Time Table with Arrival and Departure time at stations

ERS MAS SUVIDHA is a Special Trains Train in India. Special Trains are the trains which run temporarily or for special purpose. These are mostly express trains

Train Number of ERS MAS SUVIDHA is 82632. This train starts from the station ERNAKULAM JN by 19:00 Hours and completes it's journey at the last station CHENNAI CENTRAL by 07:20 Hours. The train runs on every Sunday.

ERS MAS SUVIDHA stops at 12 stations other than source and destinations. The train covers 702 km in 2 days. The train completes it's journey in 12 Hours and 20 Minutes and the average speed of the train is 57 km/hour.

Station Name Station Code District State Arrival Departure Day Halt(Min) Distance Route
ERNAKULAM JN ERS Ernakulam Kerala Source 19:00 1 -- 0 1
ALUVA AWY Ernakulam Kerala 19:26 19:28 1 02:00 20 1
THRISUR TCR Thrissur Kerala 20:16 20:19 1 03:00 75 1
OTTAPPALAM OTP Palakkad Kerala 21:23 21:25 1 02:00 120 1
PALAKKAD JN PGT Palakkad Kerala 21:55 22:00 1 05:00 152 1
COIMBATORE JN CBE Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 23:25 23:30 1 05:00 206 1
TIRUPPUR TUP Tiruppur Tamil Nadu 00:14 00:16 2 02:00 256 1
ERODE JN ED Erode Tamil Nadu 00:55 01:10 2 15:00 307 1
SALEM JN SA Salem Tamil Nadu 02:05 02:10 2 05:00 369 1
JOLARPETTAI JTJ Vellore Tamil Nadu 03:55 03:57 2 02:00 489 1
KATPADI JN KPD Vellore Tamil Nadu 05:02 05:04 2 02:00 573 1
ARAKKONAM JN AJJ Vellore Tamil Nadu 05:35 05:55 2 20:00 634 1
PERAMBUR PER Chennai Tamil Nadu 06:45 06:47 2 02:00 697 1
CHENNAI CENTRAL MAS Chennai Tamil Nadu 07:20 -- 2 -- 702 1


Special Trains Time Table with Train Number,Train Name,Arrival and Departure time at stations,train availability in the week,halt time,average speed,distance covered, 82632-ERS MAS SUVIDHA is a Special Trains Train from ERNAKULAM JN to CHENNAI CENTRAL

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