Schools in Pathiyoor, Alappuzha district of Kerala
Submitted By Nimi Sunil on 10 May 2018
Submitted By Nimi Sunil on 10 May 2018
Ramapuram HSS is located at Alappuzha district of Kerala. Address of the school is Ramapuram, Keerikad. P.O. - 690 508. The school has classes from Std.V To: XII and is a HSS school. This is a Mixed school.
Phone Number: 0479 2472175 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Pathiyoor
Block: Muthukulom
Taluk: Karthikappally
District Educational Office (DEO): Mavelikara
Management: Govt.
Pathiyoor Panchayat HS is located at Alappuzha district of Kerala. Address of the school is Pathiyoor Keerikad P.O 690 508. The school has classes from Std.V To: X and is a HS school. This is a Mixed school.
Phone Number: 0479 2435188 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Pathiyoor
Block: Muthukulom
Taluk: Karthikappally
District Educational Office (DEO): Mavelikara
Management: Govt.
Kayamkulam NRPM HSS is located at Alappuzha district of Kerala. Address of the school is Kayamkulam P O - 690 502. The school has classes from Std.V To: XII and is a HSS school. This is a Mixed school.
Phone Number: 0479 2430418 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Pathiyoor
Block: Muthukulom
Taluk: Karthikappally
District Educational Office (DEO): Mavelikara
Management: Aided
Pathiyoor SKV HS is located at Alappuzha district of Kerala. Address of the school is Eruva. P.O., Kayamkulam 690 564. The school has classes from Std.V To: X and is a HS school. This is a Mixed school.
Phone Number: 0479 2444646 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Pathiyoor
Block: Muthukulom
Taluk: Karthikappally
District Educational Office (DEO): Mavelikara
Management: Aided
Kariyilakulangara K.I.T.E.M.H.S is located at Alappuzha district of Kerala. Address of the school is Kariyilakulangara,Kayamkulam. The school has classes from Std.I To: X and is a HS school. This is a Mixed school.
Phone Number: 0479 2437409 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Pathiyoor
Block: Muthukulom
Taluk: Mavelikara
Management: Unaided
Evoor South SRKV LPS is located at Alappuzha district of Kerala. Address of the school is Kerrickad. P.O. - 690 508. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV. This is a Mixed school.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Pathiyoor
Block: Muthukulom
Taluk: Karthikappally
Management: Govt
Keerickad LPS is located at Alappuzha district of Kerala. Address of the school is Kerrickad. P.O. - 690 508 Kayamkulam. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV. This is a Mixed school.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Pathiyoor
Block: Muthukulom
Taluk: Karthikappally
Management: Govt
Pathiyoor SKV LPS is located at Alappuzha district of Kerala. Address of the school is Kareelakulangara. P.O. 690 572. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV. This is a Mixed school.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Pathiyoor
Block: Muthukulom
Taluk: Karthikappally
Management: Govt
Arattukulangara LPS is located at Alappuzha district of Kerala. Address of the school is Keerikad. P.O. - 690 508 Pathiyoor. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV. This is a Mixed school.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Pathiyoor
Block: Muthukulom
Taluk: Karthikappally
Management: Aided
Eruva East SKV LPS is located at Alappuzha district of Kerala. Address of the school is Eruva. P.O.690 564. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV. This is a Mixed school.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Pathiyoor
Block: Muthukulom
Taluk: Karthikappally
Management: Aided
Karuvattamkuzhy MGM LPS is located at Alappuzha district of Kerala. Address of the school is Kareelakulangara. P.O.690 527. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV. This is a Mixed school.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Pathiyoor
Block: Muthukulom
Taluk: Karthikappally
Management: Aided
Pathiyoorkala M M K M LPS is located at Alappuzha district of Kerala. Address of the school is Keerikad. P.O. - 690 508. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV. This is a Mixed school.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Pathiyoor
Block: Muthukulom
Taluk: Karthikappally
Management: Aided
Aiswarya Pradayini UPS is located at Alappuzha district of Kerala. Address of the school is Keerikad. P.O. - 690 508. The school has classes from Std.I To: VII and is a UP school. This is a Mixed school.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Pathiyoor
Block: Muthukulom
Taluk: Karthikappally
District Educational Office (DEO): Kayamkulam
Management: Aided
Schools in Pathiyoor, Schools in Alappuzha, List of Schools in Kerala, District wise School list, Schools with address, School contact number