Schools in Mannamkandam, Idukki district of Kerala
Submitted By Nimi Sunil on 10 May 2018
Submitted By Nimi Sunil on 10 May 2018
GHS Adimaly is located at Idukki district of Kerala. Address of the school is Adimaly - 685 561. The school has classes from Std.I To: X and is a HS school. This is a Mixed school.
Phone Number: 04864 222434 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Mannamkandam
Block: Adimali
Taluk: Devikulam
District Educational Office (DEO): Thodupuzha
Management: Govt.
GVHS Deviyarcolony is located at Idukki district of Kerala. Address of the school is Valara. P.O., Adimaly. The school has classes from Std.I To: XII and is a VHSS school. This is a Mixed school.
Phone Number: 954864 272532 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Mannamkandam
Block: Adimali
Taluk: Devikulam
District Educational Office (DEO): Thodupuzha
Management: Govt.
GHS Mannankandam is located at Idukki district of Kerala. Address of the school is Koragatty. P.O.. The school has classes from Std.VIII To: X and is a HS school. This is a Mixed school.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Mannamkandam
Block: Adimali
Taluk: Devikulam
District Educational Office (DEO): Thodupuzha
Management: Govt.
GHS Muniyara is located at Idukki district of Kerala. Address of the school is Muniyara. P.O.. The school has classes from Std.VIII To: X and is a HS school. This is a Mixed school.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Mannamkandam
Block: Adimali
Taluk: Udumbanchola
District Educational Office (DEO): Thodupuzha
Management: Govt.
Adimaly S.N.D.P.H.S.S is located at Idukki district of Kerala. Address of the school is Adimaly - 685 561. The school has classes from Std.VIII To: XII and is a HSS school. This is a Mixed school.
Phone Number: 04864 223347 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Mannamkandam
Block: Adimali
Taluk: Devikulam
District Educational Office (DEO): Thodupuzha
Management: Aided
Koompanpara F.M.H.S.S is located at Idukki district of Kerala. Address of the school is Koompanpara. P.O., 685 581. The school has classes from Std.I To: XII and is a HSS school. This is a Girls school.
Phone Number: 04864 222673 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Mannamkandam
Block: Adimali
Taluk: Devikulam
District Educational Office (DEO): Thodupuzha
Management: Aided
Adimaly S.V.V.E.M.H.S is located at Idukki district of Kerala. Address of the school is Adimaly - 685 561. The school has classes from Std.I To: X and is a HS school. This is a Mixed school.
Phone Number: 04864 222286 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Mannamkandam
Block: Adimali
Taluk: Devikulam
District Educational Office (DEO): Thodupuzha
Management: Unaided
Machiplavu UPS is located at Idukki district of Kerala. Address of the school is Machiplavu. P.O.. The school has classes from Std.I To: VII and is a UPS school. This is a mixed school.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Mannamkandam
Block: Adimali
Taluk: Devikulam
District Educational Office (DEO): Adimali
Management: Govt.
Irumpupalam LPS is located at Idukki district of Kerala. Address of the school is Valara. P.O.685561. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV and is a LPS school. This is a mixed school.
Phone Number: 04864 272394 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Mannamkandam
Block: Adimali
Taluk: Devikulam
District Educational Office (DEO): Adimaly
Management: Govt
Pettimudy LPS is located at Idukki district of Kerala. Address of the school is Vattayar. P.O.685611. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV and is a LPS school. This is a mixed school.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Mannamkandam
Block: Adimali
Taluk: Devikulam
District Educational Office (DEO): Adimaly
Management: Govt
Schools in Mannamkandam, Schools in Idukki, List of Schools in Kerala, District wise School list, Schools with address, School contact number