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Schools in Akalakunnam, Kottayam district of Kerala

Submitted By Nimi Sunil on 10 May 2018

Paduva St. Antony's UPS

Paduva St. Antony's UPS is located at Kottayam district of Kerala. Address of the school is Paduva P.O.. The school has classes from Std.V To: VII and is a UPS school. This is a Mixed school.

Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Akalakunnam

Block: Pampady

Taluk: Kottayam

District Educational Office (DEO): Kozhuvanal

Management: Aided

Akalakunnam Govt. LPS

Akalakunnam Govt. LPS is located at Kottayam district of Kerala. Address of the school is Mattakkara P.O.. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV and is a LPS school. This is a Mixed school.

Phone Number: 0482-2547466 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)

Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Akalakunnam

Block: Pampady

Taluk: Kottayam

District Educational Office (DEO): Kozhuvanal

Management: Govt

Mattakkara Govt. LPS

Mattakkara Govt. LPS is located at Kottayam district of Kerala. Address of the school is Karimpani P.O.. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV and is a LPS school. This is a Mixed school.

Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Akalakunnam

Block: Pampady

Taluk: Kottayam

District Educational Office (DEO): Kozhuvanal

Management: Govt

Chengalam St. Antony's LPS

Chengalam St. Antony's LPS is located at Kottayam district of Kerala. Address of the school is Chengalam P.O.. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV and is a LPS school. This is a Mixed school.

Phone Number: 0482-2704176 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)

Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Akalakunnam

Block: Pampady

Taluk: Kottayam

District Educational Office (DEO): Kozhuvanal

Management: Aided

Holy Family LPS

Holy Family LPS is located at Kottayam district of Kerala. Address of the school is Manalunkal P.O.. The school has classes from Std.I To: V and is a LPS school. This is a Mixed school.

Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Akalakunnam

Block: Pampady

Taluk: Kottayam

District Educational Office (DEO): Kozhuvanal

Management: Aided

Kanjiramattom L.F. LPS

Kanjiramattom L.F. LPS is located at Kottayam district of Kerala. Address of the school is Kanjiramattom P.O.. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV and is a LPS school. This is a Mixed school.

Phone Number: 0482-2705095 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)

Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Akalakunnam

Block: Pampady

Taluk: Kottayam

District Educational Office (DEO): Kozhuvanal

Management: Aided

Mannoor LPS

Mannoor LPS is located at Kottayam district of Kerala. Address of the school is Mattakara P.O.. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV and is a LPS school. This is a Mixed school.

Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Akalakunnam

Block: Pampady

Taluk: Kottayam

District Educational Office (DEO): Kozhuvanal

Management: Aided

Mattakara St. Antony's LPS

Mattakara St. Antony's LPS is located at Kottayam district of Kerala. Address of the school is Moozhoor P.O.. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV and is a LPS school. This is a Mixed school.

Phone Number: 0482-2548244 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)

Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Akalakunnam

Block: Pampady

Taluk: Kottayam

District Educational Office (DEO): Kozhuvanal

Management: Aided

Moozhoor St. Mary's LPS

Moozhoor St. Mary's LPS is located at Kottayam district of Kerala. Address of the school is Moozhoor P.O.. The school has classes from Std.I To: V and is a LPS school. This is a Mixed school.

Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Akalakunnam

Block: Pampady

Taluk: Kottayam

District Educational Office (DEO): Kozhuvanal

Management: Aided

Paduva St. Antony's LPS

Paduva St. Antony's LPS is located at Kottayam district of Kerala. Address of the school is Paduva P.O.. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV and is a LPS school. This is a Mixed school.

Phone Number: 0482-2547443 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)

Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Akalakunnam

Block: Pampady

Taluk: Kottayam

District Educational Office (DEO): Kozhuvanal

Management: Aided

Vakamala St. Joseph's LPS

Vakamala St. Joseph's LPS is located at Kottayam district of Kerala. Address of the school is Kaloorkulam P.O.. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV and is a LPS school. This is a Mixed school.

Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Akalakunnam

Block: Pampady

Taluk: Kottayam

District Educational Office (DEO): Kozhuvanal

Management: Aided

Chengalam St. Antony's HS

Chengalam St. Antony's HS is located at Kottayam district of Kerala. Address of the school is Chengalam P.O.. The school has classes from Std.V To: X and is a HS school. This is a Mixed school.

Phone Number: 0481-2705557 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)

Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Akalakunnam

Block: Pampady

Taluk: Kottayam

District Educational Office (DEO): Kottayam

Management: Aided

Kanjiramattam L.F. GHS

Kanjiramattam L.F. GHS is located at Kottayam district of Kerala. Address of the school is Kanjiramattam P.O.. The school has classes from Std.V To: X and is a HS school. This is a Girls school.

Phone Number: 0481-2704467 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)

Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Akalakunnam

Block: Pampady

Taluk: Kottayam

District Educational Office (DEO): Kottayam

Management: Aided

Manalumkal St. Alosius HS

Manalumkal St. Alosius HS is located at Kottayam district of Kerala. Address of the school is Manalumkal. The school has classes from Std.V To: X and is a HS school. This is a Mixed school.

Phone Number: 0481-2552616 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)

Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Akalakunnam

Block: Pampady

Taluk: Kottayam

District Educational Office (DEO): Kottayam

Management: Aided

Mattakkara HS

Mattakkara HS is located at Kottayam district of Kerala. Address of the school is Mattakkara P.O.. The school has classes from Std.V To: X and is a HS school. This is a Mixed school.

Phone Number: 0481-2542204 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)

Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Akalakunnam

Block: Pampady

Taluk: Kottayam

District Educational Office (DEO): Kottayam

Management: Aided

Moozhoor St. Joseph's GHS

Moozhoor St. Joseph's GHS is located at Kottayam district of Kerala. Address of the school is Moozhoor P.O.. The school has classes from Std.V To: X and is a HS school. This is a Mixed school.

Phone Number: 0481-2542281 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)

Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Akalakunnam

Block: Pampady

Taluk: Kottayam

District Educational Office (DEO): Kottayam

Management: Aided

Schools in other places of Kottayam District


Schools in Akalakunnam, Schools in Kottayam, List of Schools in Kerala, District wise School list, Schools with address, School contact number

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