Schools in Aranmula, Pathanamthitta district of Kerala
Submitted By Nimi Sunil on 10 May 2018
Institutes »Schools »Kerala »Pathanamthitta »Aranmula
Submitted By Nimi Sunil on 10 May 2018
Edayaranmula AMMHSS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Edayaranmula. P.O., PIN - 689 532. The school has classes from Std.V To: XII and is a HSS school. This is a Mixed school.
Phone Number: 0468-2319276 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Aranmula
Block: Kulanada
Taluk: Kozhencherry
District Educational Office (DEO): Thiruvalla
Management: Aided
Kidangannoor SVGVHSS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Nalkkalickal. P.O., PIN - 389 533. The school has classes from Std.V To: XII and is a VHSS school. This is a Mixed school.
Phone Number: 0468-2287040 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Aranmula
Block: Kulanada
Taluk: Kozhencherry
District Educational Office (DEO): Thiruvalla
Management: Aided
Vallana T.K.M.R.M.V. HSS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Erumakkadu. P.O. PIN - 689 532. The school has classes from Std.V To: XII and is a VHSS & H school. This is a Mixed school.
Phone Number: 0468-2287590 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Aranmula
Block: Kulanada
Taluk: Kozhencherry
District Educational Office (DEO): Thiruvalla
Management: Aided
Edayaranmula KDMGLPS(Edayaranmula GWLPS) is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Edayaranmula. P.O. - 689 532. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV.
Phone Number: 9497106321 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Aranmula
Block: Pandalam
Taluk: Kozhencherry
District Educational Office (DEO): Aranmula
Management: Govt
Kidangannoor LPS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Kidangannoor. P.O. - 689 514. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV.
Phone Number: 9645428331 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Aranmula
Block: Pandalam
Taluk: Kozhencherry
District Educational Office (DEO): Aranmula
Management: Govt
Kotta DVLPS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Kotta. P.O. Karakkad - 689 504. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV.
Phone Number: 9447087406 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Aranmula
Block: Pandalam
Taluk: Kozhencherry
District Educational Office (DEO): Aranmula
Management: Govt
Lakha SNDPLPS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Edayaranmula. P.O. - 689 532. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV.
Phone Number: 9745950271 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Aranmula
Block: Pandalam
Taluk: Kozhencherry
District Educational Office (DEO): Aranmula
Management: Govt
Malakkara LPS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Malakkara. P.O., Edayaranmula - 689 532. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV.
Phone Number: 9497176860 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Aranmula
Block: Pandalam
Taluk: Kozhencherry
District Educational Office (DEO): Aranmula
Management: Govt
Edayaranmula MTLPS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Edayaranmula. P.O. - 689 532. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV.
Phone Number: 9947047081 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Aranmula
Block: Pandalam
Taluk: Kozhencherry
District Educational Office (DEO): Aranmula
Management: Aided
Edayaranmula (West) MTLPS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Edayaranmula (West) P.O. - 689 532. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV.
Phone Number: 9747469019 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Aranmula
Block: Pandalam
Taluk: Kozhencherry
District Educational Office (DEO): Aranmula
Management: Aided
Erumakkad EALPS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Erumakkadu. P.O. PIN - 689 532. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV.
Phone Number: 9497327770 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Aranmula
Block: Pandalam
Taluk: Kozhencherry
District Educational Office (DEO): Aranmula
Management: Aided
Kidangannur St. Mary's MTLPS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Kidangannoor. P.O. Mampallil- 689 514. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV.
Phone Number: 9495017096 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Aranmula
Block: Pandalam
Taluk: Kozhencherry
District Educational Office (DEO): Aranmula
Management: Aided
Nalkalikkal MTLPS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Edasserimala, Aranmula. P.O. - 689 532. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV.
Phone Number: 9947887433 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Aranmula
Block: Pandalam
Taluk: Kozhencherry
District Educational Office (DEO): Aranmula
Management: Aided
Neervilakom MDLPS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Neervilakom. P.O. - 689 122. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV.
Phone Number: 9946981417 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Aranmula
Block: Pandalam
Taluk: Kozhencherry
District Educational Office (DEO): Aranmula
Management: Aided
Vallana TKMRM LPS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Vallana.P.O.. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV.
Phone Number: 9447439704 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Aranmula
Block: Pandalam
Taluk: Kozhencherry
District Educational Office (DEO): Aranmula
Management: Unaided
Arattupuzha UPS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Arattupuzha. P.O. - 689 123. The school has classes from Std.I To: VII.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Aranmula
Block: Pandalam
Taluk: Kozhencherry
District Educational Office (DEO): Aranmula
Management: Govt.
Vallana SNDP UPS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Kuruchimuttom. P.O. - 689 532. The school has classes from Std.I To: VII.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Aranmula
Block: Pandalam
Taluk: Kozhencherry
District Educational Office (DEO): Aranmula
Management: Govt.
Edayaranmula NM UPS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Edayaranmula. P.O. - 689 532. The school has classes from Std.V To: VII.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Aranmula
Block: Pandalam
Taluk: Kozhencherry
District Educational Office (DEO): Aranmula
Management: Aided
Schools in Aranmula, Schools in Pathanamthitta, List of Schools in Kerala, District wise School list, Schools with address, School contact number