Schools in Kadampanad, Pathanamthitta district of Kerala
Submitted By Nimi Sunil on 10 May 2018
Institutes »Schools »Kerala »Pathanamthitta »Kadampanad
Submitted By Nimi Sunil on 10 May 2018
Kadampanad St. Thomas HS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Kadampanad. P.O.. The school has classes from Std.V To: X and is a HS school. This is a Mixed school.
Phone Number: 04734-283981 (Note: Phone number can change, so please check Phone directory)
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Kadampanad
Block: Parakode
Taluk: Adoor
District Educational Office (DEO): Pathanamthitta
Management: Aided
Kadampanad LVLPS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Kadampanad. P.O. PTA - 691 552. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Kadampanad
Block: Parakode
Taluk: Adoor
District Educational Office (DEO): Adoor
Management: Govt
Kadampanad LPS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Kadampanad. P.O. PTA - 691 552. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Kadampanad
Block: Parakode
Taluk: Adoor
District Educational Office (DEO): Adoor
Management: Govt
Kalanjoor NMLPS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Kalanjoor.P.O. 689 694. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Kadampanad
Block: Parakode
Taluk: Adoor
District Educational Office (DEO): Adoor
Management: Govt
Mannady LPBS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Mannady. P.O. PTA - 691 530. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Kadampanad
Block: Parakode
Taluk: Adoor
District Educational Office (DEO): Adoor
Management: Govt
Mannady LPGS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Mannady. P.O. PTA - 691 530. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Kadampanad
Block: Parakode
Taluk: Adoor
District Educational Office (DEO): Adoor
Management: Govt
Mannidikala WLPS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Mannady. P.O. PTA - 691 530. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Kadampanad
Block: Parakode
Taluk: Adoor
District Educational Office (DEO): Adoor
Management: Govt
Nellimukkal LPS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Nellimukkal. P.O. - 691 551. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Kadampanad
Block: Parakode
Taluk: Adoor
District Educational Office (DEO): Adoor
Management: Govt
Thuvayoor LPS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Thuvayoor South. P.O. - 691 552. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Kadampanad
Block: Parakode
Taluk: Adoor
District Educational Office (DEO): Adoor
Management: Govt
Thuvayoor South WLPS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Adoor. P.O. PTA - 691 523. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Kadampanad
Block: Parakode
Taluk: Adoor
District Educational Office (DEO): Adoor
Management: Govt
Mannadikala EALPS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Mannadi. P.O. PTA - 691 530. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Kadampanad
Block: Parakode
Taluk: Adoor
District Educational Office (DEO): Adoor
Management: Aided
Thuvayoor MSC LPS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Thuvayoor South. P.O. PTA - 691 552. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Kadampanad
Block: Parakode
Taluk: Adoor
District Educational Office (DEO): Adoor
Management: Aided
INFANT JesussEMLPS Thuvayoor is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Thuvayoor,kadampanadPTA 691552. The school has classes from Std.I To: IV.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Kadampanad
Block: parakode
Taluk: Adoor
District Educational Office (DEO): Adoor
Management: Unaided
Mannady V.T.M. UPS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Mannady. P.O. - PTA - 691 530. The school has classes from Std.V To: VII.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Kadampanad
Block: Parakode
Taluk: Adoor
District Educational Office (DEO): Adoor
Management: Aided
Thuvayoor South NSS UPS is located at Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. Address of the school is Thuvayoor South. P.O. PTA - 691 552. The school has classes from Std.V To: VII.
Panchayat/Muncipality/Corporation/Town: Kadampanad
Block: Parakode
Taluk: Adoor
District Educational Office (DEO): Adoor
Management: Aided
Schools in Kadampanad, Schools in Pathanamthitta, List of Schools in Kerala, District wise School list, Schools with address, School contact number